Error Codes

The SW services return an error code in case of an error in the request. This error code is included in the ‘message’ field of the JSON response object (except for SOAP services) and can be an error code from the SAT’s error arrays or an internal error code.

Note: Messages will appear in Spanish when they occur.


  "message": "AU2000 - El usuario y/o contraseña son inválidos, no se puede autenticar el servicio.",
  "messageDetail": null,
  "data": null,
  "status": "error"

‘Timbrado’ Common Errors

CO1000Uncontrolled Error. If the issue persists, please contact technical support for assistance.
CO1001Plugin Name not Declared Correctly.
CO1002An xmlns:{plugin} attribute of a plugin is not found at the Receipt level.
CO1003The namespace and/or public schema URL of a plugin is not found at the Receipt level.
CO1004The xmlns:{plugin} of a plugin is found at the Complement level.
CO1005The namespace and/or public schema URL of a plugin is found at the Receipt level.
CC20011 It is not possible to validate the plugin because it is not in force.
CC3001A namespace and/or public schema URL (xsi:schemaLocation) of the CFDI is not found at the Receipt level or is not valid.
CC3002The value of the xmlns:cfdi attribute is not valid according to the version of the CFDI.

‘Timbrado’ CFDI Errors

Code Message
301The structure of the receipt is incorrect.
302The issuer’s seal is not valid.
303The RFC of the issuer’s CSD does not match the RFC listed as the issuer in the receipt.
304The issuer’s CSD has been revoked.
305The issuance date is not within the validity period of the issuer’s CSD.
306The key used for sealing must be a CSD.
307The receipt contains a previous stamp.
308The issuer’s CSD has not been signed by one of SAT’s Authority Certificates
401The date range of the generation date should not exceed 72 hours for stamp issuance.
402The issuer’s RFC is not in the taxpayers’ regime (Regime validation list) LCO
403The issuance date of the receipt must be after January 1, 2011.
CFDI3307Duplicate stamp. The provided customId is duplicated.

‘Timbrado’ ‘Retenciones’ Common Errors

Code Message
T302The issuer’s seal is not valid.
T303The RFC of the issuer’s CSD does not match the RFC listed as the issuer in the receipt.
T304The issuer’s CSD has been revoked.
T305The issuance date is not within the validity period of the issuer’s CSD.
T306The key used for sealing must be a CSD.
T401The date range of the generation date should not exceed 72 hours for stamp issuance.
T402The issuer’s RFC is not in the taxpayers’ regime (Regime validation list) LCO.


CASD‘Acuse’ without specific description.
CA203Fiscal Folio Not Corresponding to the Issuer.
CA204Fiscal Folio Not Applicable to Cancellation.
CA205Fiscal Folio Does Not Exist.
CA206UUID does not correspond to a CFDI in the Primary Sector.
CA207Cancellation reason not specified or the reason is not valid.
CA208Invalid Replacement Folio.
CA209Replacement Folio not required.
CA210The cancellation request date is later than the declaration date.
CA211Cancellation request date limit for global invoice.
CA212Invalid or nonexistent relationship.
CA300Invalid User.
CA301Malformed XML.
CA302Malformed Seal.
CA303Seal does not correspond to the issuer or has expired.
CA304Revoked or Expired Certificate.
CA305Invalid Certificate.
CA306The certificate is not of the CSD type
CA307The CFDI contains a previous stamp.
CA308Certificate not issued by the SAT.
CA309Invalid Certificate.
CA310Invalid CSD.
CACFDI33Problems with the fields.
CACFDI33Problems with the XML.


AU1000Uncontrolled Error. Authentication token could not be generated.
AU1001Unable to create the user. User already exists.
AU1002Unable to change the password. The current password does not match.
AU1003Unable to create the Issuer RFC. Already exists. Please contact the Administrator.
AU1004Unable to save the User. Uncontrolled error.
AU1005Unable to save the User. The Distributor does not exist.
AU1006Unable to save the User. The Distributor has insufficient balance.
AU1007The user being created was previously deleted. It has been restored. Please review the user list again and assign the corresponding stamps.
AU1008The user being created already exists and belongs to another Distributor. Please try again with different data.
AU2000The username and/or password are invalid; the service cannot be authenticated.
AU2001The user has no stamp balance.
AU2002The user is inactive. Please contact your administrator.
AU2003Issuer RFC has not signed the manifesto. As a CFDI Certification Provider (PCC), manifesto signing is necessary.
AU2004Issuer RFC does not belong to the user’s Distributor. Please contact your distributor.
AU2005Uncontrolled error in the validation of the Manifesto and Issuer RFC.
AU2006The provided Distributor does not exist. Please verify.
AU2007The client does not belong to the Distributor.
AU2008The user does not have privileges to perform this action.
AU3000The generated token is incorrect or not valid.
AU4000Unable to validate the token.
AU4100The provided token is not valid or has expired.
AU4101The provided token is empty.
AU4102Unable to retrieve the user. The provided token is invalid.
AU5000Uncontrolled error. Please contact the administrator if the problem persists.
AU5001The user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.


S1000Uncontrolled Error. Customer balance could not be validated.
S1100Uncontrolled Error. Customer balance could not be affected.
S2000The customer’s balance has been depleted. Please contact technical support for more information.
S2100The expiration date of the customer’s balance has been reached. Please contact technical support for more information.

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Updated on enero 4, 2024

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