Add user through API

This service allows you to register a new user for consuming our services. The service needs the access token and the new user account information.

🛠 Test URL :

🧰 Production URL :



Authentication and Headers

AuthorizationBearer Token

JSON Parameters

emailstring RequiredUser mail
passwordstring RequiredUser password
namestring RequiredUser name
rfcstring RequiredUser RFC
profileint Required(Default = 3) User profile type
stampsint Optional“Stamps” to be assigned at creation
unlimitedbool RequiredSpecify if you will have unlimited “Stamps”
activebool Required(Default = true) User status

Password Policies

  • The password must not be the same as the username.
  • The password must include at least one capital letter.
  • Password must include at least one lowercase letter.
  • The password must include at least one number.
  • The password must include at least one symbol(special character).
  • The password must not include blank spaces.
  • The password must be between 10 and 20 characters.
  • The password must not include unusual special symbols.

The accepted special characters are the following:


Request example

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer $token' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "Email": "",
    "Password": "1q2w3e4r",
    "Name": "SW SW SW",
    "RFC": "XAXX110101111",
    "Profile": 3,
    "Stamps": 20,
    "Unlimited": false,
    "Active": true

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Updated on enero 8, 2024

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